
What do I do with 1000s cores. Lessons learnt building an agent-based modelling system

  • На английском языке
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Комментарий Программного комитета:

Анджей — Java Champion, один из основателей GeeCON, известный и уважаемый спикер многих международных Java-конференций. В этом докладе он поделится своим опытом и выводами, полученными в результате работы над и с массово-параллельными системами, доступными современным разработчикам.

Supercomputer-worthy core counts and memory sizes are more approachable than ever.

"What can it do" is the obvious question to ask. Simulation, especially based around agents, is one of the possible answers.

Andrzej will talk about agent based modelling, from the point of view of a developer building the framework, focusing on some interesting, non-trivial or plain old surprising experiences he's getting building a JVM-based agent-based modelling SDK at Simudyne. He will talk performance, distributed systems, multithreading and SDK design.

  • #architecture
  • #best practices

