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Micronaut deep dive
This session is for developers looking to go beyond the basics with Micronaut, a new microservices and serverless framework for Java, Kotlin, and Groovy.
Graeme Rocher
Object Computing
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Polyglot done right with GraalVM
In this session, we'll go through the necessary minimum amount of information needed for writing good polyglot apps on GraalVM. Currently, there are a few companies that use GraalVM in production mixing Java (and Scala) with JavaScript and R. After this session you might be tempted to join their ranks!
Oleg Šelajev
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Прыжок в online: Как выдержать высокую нагрузку и скорость изменений
Sergey Kolesnikov
Sportmaster Lab
Sergey Orlov
Sportmaster Lab
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Grow your employer in a coronavirus, or how to make sure that you're not fired in crisis
In times of a global pandemic, when you can't be sure of anything, Baruch and Evgeny prepared for you their variation of the show "While everyone's home", where they will demonstrate possible scenarios of negotiations with the boss, especially so that employee is ready for any, even the most unexpected outcome...
Evgeny Borisov
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What the hell is service mesh anyway!?
As we start moving toward a cloud-native architecture, a new set of challenges pop up! Some of these challenges include effective monitoring, tracing, resilience and reliability, routing, security… This talk highlight how service meshes help developers solve these challenges in a pragmatic way.
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Ни дня без спорта или немного про SMLab
Ivan Glushnev
Sportmaster Lab
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How we write Space on Kotlin
This talk is about how JetBrains used Kotlin to write the Space platform. From this session, you will learn how they used Kotlin on the server and various clients, how reused code, which libraries were used.
Akif Abasov
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Feature evolution in Java 13 and beyond
The focus of this talk is not just a list of new features, but a deep dive into how the features evolve. The audience will learn how to monitor the development process, predict deliverables, and gauge when vigorous feedback is most likely to be successful.
Cay Horstmann
San José State University
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How to develop a successful Kubernetes Native application using Quarkus
Приходите на этот доклад, чтобы узнать, как разрабатывать успешные нативные Kubernetes-приложения, используя Quarkus — экосистему на базе Java для разработки нативных, облачных, контейнерных, безсерверных и оптимизированных под Kubernetes приложений.
Alex Soto Bueno
Red Hat
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Как не испортить своего джуна
Dmitriy Vdovin
Raiffeisen Bank
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Safepoint — let the whole world wait
To perform some operations the JVM needs to completely stop application threads. Why you must do this? Andrei will explain this in his talk.
Andrey Pangin
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Dynamic Constants — oxymoron or promising JVM feature?
During this talk you will learn about Dynamic Constants, how JVM works and where it's good to use Condy.
Evgeny Mandrikov
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assert! thou comprehensive word...
In this talk we will look at how modern tools (JUnit 4/5, Spok, Power Assert, Truth) allow you to write tests so that their crash is easier to analyze and the tests themselves are easier to maintain.
Vladimir Sitnikov
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Precomputed data access with Micronaut Data
In this talk the creator of Micronaut will demonstrate Micronaut Data, a new database access technology that provides an innovative new way to access database technologies using Ahead of Time compilation to optimize query performance, throughput and memory consumption.
Graeme Rocher
Object Computing
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Fear and loathing in Scala and Kotlin interop
They had one week, two Scala devs, one Scala artifact, a bunch of Kotlin libraries, one Kotlin book, a couple of microservices, two build systems and an IntelliJ IDEA... Not that they needed all that for the task, but once you get locked into a serious drug collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can...
Marharyta Nedzelska
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Writes in Cassandra — internals and performance
This talk is dedicated to a detailed analysis of how the process of recording to Apache Cassandra database occurs in terms of performance, what are the stages of processing requests, how long they take, what streams are responsible for.
Dmitry Konstantinov
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A Java developer's quest for productivity
Sebastian will show 20 tips to Java developers on how to maximize their efficiency.
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Valhalla is coming
Project Valhalla, inline types and all around them, from software model to performance.
Sergey Kuksenko
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Path from functional programming to object oriented programming
The talk about the development of the tofu library designed to facilitate the development of tagless final applications.
Oleg Nizhnikov
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Interview and Q&A with Ted Neward
Ted Neward
Neward & Associates, LLC
Anton Arhipov
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Внедрение open source-решений на примере Одноклассников
Andrey Pangin
Dmitry Chuyko
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Life beyond Java 8
In this session we’ll look at which Java version to upgrade to, why upgrade from Java 8, including language features from Java 9 through to 14, and what sorts of issues might we run into if we do choose to upgrade.
Trisha Gee
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Building microservices with Helidon
Speaker will introduce project Helidon, show what can be achieved with it, demonstrate some key features and compare it with other microservices frameworks.
Dmitry Kornilov
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Writing a Java library with better experience
In this session, Trustin Lee, the founder of Netty project and Armeria, shares you the opinionated key practices from his recent works which might be useful when you build your own library or framework, or even designing an API for your project.
Trustin Lee
LINE+ Corporation
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Bootiful Kotlin
The Spring and Kotlin teams have worked hard to make sure that Kotlin and Spring Boot are a first-class experience for all developers trying to get to production, faster and safer. Come for the Spring and stay for the Bootiful Kotlin.
Josh Long
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Contract testing: Should or shouldn't?
This talk will consider approaches to writing contract tests on Spring Cloud Contract, Pact and even using binary protocols.
Vsevolod Brekelov
JUG Ru Group
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From cozy Java to brutal Native code or There and Back Again
In this talk we will discuss Java/Native code interop: from the history of the problem, through tips and tricks for using native code from Java nowadays and finally towards to the future - projects Panama and Sulong.
Ivan Ugliansky
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Game of Streams: How to tame & get the most from your messaging platforms
Come to this session to learn not only how to use open source solutions like Spring Cloud Stream, RabbitMQ, & Apache Kafka to maximize your distributed systems' capabilities while minimizing complexity...but also how to use them!
Mark Heckler
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Cryptography for a Java programmer
Sergey Vladimirov will tell about an interesting topic — cryptography in Java, he will describe it's capabilities and how it can be applied by developers.
Sergey Vladimirov
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Interview and Q&A with James Gosling
James Gosling
Amazon Web Services
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When it all went to Kafka 2: Disperse producers
A talk about Producer tuning performance: finding pinch points and choosing the definitive characteristics for the requirements.
Gregory Koshelev
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Ignoring fashion trends with Jakarta EE and MicroProfile
In this session Adam will implement a Jakarta EE/MicroProfile application from scratch and discuss timeless architectures, designs, and best practices. The concepts and attendee's questions are going to be answered with (hopefully) working code.
Adam Bien
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Microservices made easy with MicroProfile OpenJ9 Open Liberty and OpenShift
This talk will guide you through a truly open source, cloud-native stack starting at the bottom with OpenShift, then onto the JVM with OpenJ9, Open Liberty as the cloud-native application server then finally MicroProfile as the Java spec for microservices.
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Increasing file I/O performance for JVM on Linux
In Dmitry's talk we will consider file I/O optimization methods and data copying and how this can increase data transfer throughput by 20%.
Dmitry Bundin
Grid Dynamics
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Elasticsearch internals
Elasticsearch is nowadays one of the most widely used and deployed full-text search engines containing a large number of capabilities. How are they implemented and how does Elasticsearch operate behind the scenes? This session will reveal the inner workings behind the core capabilities of Elasticsearch.
Martin Toshev
Resolve Systems
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The art of code
We'll discover quine relays, code golf and generative art, and we'll explore the phenomenon of live coding as performance — from the pioneers of electronic music to modern algoraves and live coding platforms like Sonic Pi.
Dylan Beattie
Ursatile Ltd
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A few more small optimizations
Together with Tagir we will look at some optimizations that were not included in his first talk included those that will appear in Java 15 and discuss how and why they were made.
Tagir Valeev
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Intel Optane DC and Java: Lessons learned in practice
Join this talk to learn more about our journey of providing Optane DC support.
Jiří Holuša
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Разработка электронных кошельков
Aleksandr Utemov
Мир Plat.Form (АО НСПК)
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RSocket to bring the next generation of Service Mesh
In this talk, Oleh will show you how RSocket as a network protocol solves the most non-trivial resilience, performance, and stability problems in distributed systems such as backpressure, rate-limiting, and much more.
Oleh Dokuka
Netifi, Inc