
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs for Java/Kotlin Developer

  • In Russian
Presentation pdf

Maslow's pyramid of needs classifies human needs in a hierarchical order.
In their talk Andrew and Dmitri apply this concept to programmers who write in Java and Kotlin. They will tell what are the needs and problems programmers have, how to satisfy these needs with some technologies and about what layers the pyramid of needs consists of.
The authors will try to give a short overview of the technologies, stack and dev tools that are used to create modern projects. Moving from the basic needs above, Andrey and Dmitry will try to tell the beginners and to remind the experienced developers what any project needs and how a project's development can be improved by moving to the next level of development.
A bonus of the talk will be the fact that the authors will talk not only about enterprise-stack, but also about their experience in organizing Open Source projects. The talk will be interesting for a wide audience of developers who would like to stay in the trend and use the power of dev tools to organize their code.

