
  • The program hasn’t been finally approved yet, so there still might be some changes.

  • Talk

    Evolution of Memory Models

    Memory models: from hardware origins to modern programming languages. We’ll trace their evolution, compare in Java, C++, Rust, Go, and discuss future innovations — a must-hear for anyone delving into multithreading and concurrency.

  • Talk

    How to Get Rid of Recursion and Fix a Silly Error in Google

    I will talk about researching different approaches to recursion optimization. I will consider and compare them with each other to get clear figures. Besides, I will cover optimization of tail recursion, tree traversal recursion, any recursion via DeepRecursiveFuction. I will tell you how during my research I discovered and fixed a silly bug in Google code related to an attempt to optimize recursion.

  • Talk

    GigaIDE Symphony: From Idea to Complete Platform

    We'll talk about why Sber decided to create its own IDE when IDEA Community exists, and what differences there are between them. We will look at the plans for further development of the platform, as well as the functionality included in the release version. In addition, we will pay special attention to the technical difficulties and limitations we encounter and how to solve them. It will be equally interesting to discuss how GigaIDE simplifies routine tasks, how the platform's internal architecture and the process of writing plugins.

We will add more talks soon.

We are actively adding to the program. Sign up for our newsletter to stay informed.
